Sunday, June 25, 2017

Honoring the gift of compliment


How come it is so hard to accept a compliment - feel it right to your bones - take it in, soak it up until it seeps through every pore of your body?

I almost fell over when I was awarded "Best in Show" at this past weekend's Eagan Art Festival. When they handed me the certificate, I could only think that this is a mistake. I don't deserve this. And then they read the judges' comments, and I honestly thought they were referring to someone else - certainly not me!

The attention made me so nervous that I almost threw up! To burn off the adrenaline, I walked around the art festival and began to reflect about how many times I throw away the gift of compliment by quickly deflecting the attention and turning it back on the giver ... "Thank you, but did you see (insert name) work? Her attention to detail and use of color are masterful"

I seek compliments, I really do, but when they come my way, well I just don't know what to do with them.

How can I be a better receiver of this wonderful gift? When I compliment someone - I mean it. So what makes me think that another's word is not their word? Most likely it's because I feel so unworthy.

My internal vessel would benefit if I would learn to soak in this goodwill.

Thank you is a wonderful phrase.