Monday, January 25, 2016

New year, new goals

My break from Pure Serendipity is officially over with this post, and I'm setting some lofty goals for 2016:
1. Get my web store up and running; 2. Take photos and post products before considering that creation finished (oh, do you see the little date stamp in the photo above?): 3. Improve my profit margin by offering a greater selection of products that have a track record of being top sellers; 4. Improve "tent" display.
Thanks to another fabric basket artist, I am now using a new cord that makes for a more stable basket.
It's a poly marine cord. It is a little more difficult to work with than the cotton cord that I've been using; but I like the finished product much better. The bowl at the top of this post is made from this cord - it's so stable that it holds alot of "Cuties."