Sunday, January 26, 2014

It's time to decide: Consignment store or gallery/gift shop?

It has been a very productive weekend in the Pure Serendipity studio. It's not so much about the products, (although 12 bowls in 12 different color schemes is pretty impressive) it's the personal growth and understanding of where I want my "business" and art to go. I have struggled with whether to put my work in a store on consignment. I was about ready to work with Touch of Home in Burnsville, when I took some time to think about where I want to go with this venture. Don't get me wrong, this is a great store with mostly antiques and collectibles. "Is this who I am," I asked myself. Those who know me well understand my struggle with confidence in myself, my writing, my decision-making. Too often I step back because I fear failure. If I am to move forward, I have to face failure head-on. As scary as it is for me, I want work toward having my work in a gallery exhibit. I thank Tammy at The Colorwheel in Minneapolis. She is helping me realize that my fiber work is an expression of my spirit, my creativity. I gently and humbly hope that it is an artform. Thanks Tammy for your encouragement and the artistic challenge you present to me. BUT, thinking through the consignment process led me to the realization that I need a "bread and butter" item that may be a perfect gift choice - a work that can retail for around $15. So, here it is THE BOWL. It takes me about an hour to crank out one, while the size and shape will be the same, my creative challenge is to work with small remnants of fabric from my stash.