Wednesday, September 28, 2016

My vision; my first ‘whatever’

Help. This new Pure Serendipity creation needs a name.
What was/is your vision that just stayed swirling around in your head until you finally decided that now was the time to just “do it?” Could be an exotic vacation that sent the palm trees of your imagination swaying; a new recipe that set you taste buds a bursting; the book that has been on your “must read” list.
Since the early days of Pure Serendipity, I have wanted to transform my table topper/wall hanging into a dream catcher of sorts.  I knew exactly what I wanted it to look like, but I was scared to try making it – mainly cause I’m always scared to try something new for fear it won’t turn out and then what? I brought my idea and the items needed to make the vision a reality to my recent women’s gabaway weekend. I knew if these eight minds couldn’t push me in the right direction that my vision would just continue to gnaw at my creative spirit.
Ta da! I completed my first “whatever.” What do you think? What should I call it? I don’t want to use the term dreamcatcher as it is a term that has special meaning to our Native American friends.
Hanging is adorned with glass beads, handmade beads and even some antique tatting.
This new “thing” from Pure Serendipity will be making its debut at the Oct. 8 Savage Art Crawl. I will be soon posting it in my store as well. But it needs some sort of name – label.
Your ideas please……Oh, even if you don’t have an idea, could you please comment on my blog. (See below). I’m not sure if I have my comment section configured properly, and this will help make that determination.

Lee Ann

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Girls just want to have fun - at any age

If I wasn’t already a woman, I’d want to be one! We, for the most part, know how to have fun in style. We love to shop for hours rooting around for just the right thing for just the right person for just the right occasion. And if we do it with our gals, well Hallelujah! Life doesn’t get any better than that.
Nothing, but nothing could have prepared me for the women attending the Little Falls Arts and Crafts Fair last weekend. What show opens at 8 a.m. on Saturday? Well, this one does. And the women came by the bus load. They were prepared to shop, with their roller carts or wagons in tow. Some, as the video I took shows, came IN COSTUME!! How was I to know that every motel from St. Cloud to Brainerd would be booked by, you guessed it – WOMEN wanting to visit and shop.
Former Montevideo gals on the hunt for the perfect gifts and laughs at the Little Falls Arts and Crafts Show.
Karen Moss, Karen Welker, Connie Toftness, Lee Ann Wahi

They came in matching t-shirts, wore matching pins, matching hats. They came even by tour bus!
Really, would guys do that? Well maybe at a NFL game, holding a beer, bearing their chests and yelling “GRRRRR” in hopes that the camera would capture their silliness for the world to see. But we women, well we love to “group-it” – to the casino for a weekend, a craft retreat, and what my friends have established- our annual “gab-away.” If you’ve read the Red Tent, you’ll understand that our need to commune or commiserate with each other – even during that time-of-the-month – is part of our DNA.

Next week I’m off to spend three days with several women who I have had the privilege of walking hand-in-hand through some of the most critical parts of my life. Our kids benefitted from of the village of support we created, and now, well, I think we are leaning on each other as we face the uncertainty of our ummmmmm senior years.