Sunday, June 28, 2015

The artist who inspired Pure Serendipity

I had the honor of visiting my Pure Serendipity inspiration - ‪#‎AnnBrauer‬. Her use of fabrics to create color gradations has helped me so much with my work. I visited with her at her studio in Shelburne Falls, Mass. From a distance, you'd think her work is a painting, but its fabric- prints- not batiks. Here is a close up of a wall hanging that I purchased from her.
She uses the sew-as-you-go method.
Here is a post of a handbag that I made last year drawing inspiration from her work.... my method, of course, is coiling. And here is the handbag Ann created and that I now own.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Every show has its own personality

Every show has its own personality. And Laneboro's Art in the Park event fit me perfectly. Set among the trees of Sylvan Park, no wind, perfect temperatures and a great "older" crowd made for a show that I will remember as one of the best. I loved the slow pace and the walkability factor. We took down the side walls of the tent, and just let the breezes play. Of course, the conversations with the customers were wonderful.
I'm learning that you can't predict what's gonna sell at a show- while my sun brims have been very popular at other shows, at this one, well, not so much. I sold out of bread bowls, and all my so-called "casserole cozyies." Here are a few photos of the day:
This young woman is a exchange student from Japan and was looking for presents to bring back home with her. With Chan's help, she selected two bowls. As a journalist, I remember when I saw my first byline in print. Oh my, what a thrill. Well, that feeling came back to me tenfold when, walking the streets of Lanesboro, I saw the Art in the Park poster and my work was featured "above the fold." I was so proud ... I know I have so much to learn about this new path I am on, but this was a very A+ moment for me.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Hubby and me time - it'll be Pure Serendipity

I am honored that a piece from Pure Serendipity was chosen to be on the ‪Art in the Park promotion card. The ‪Lanesboro‬ show is on Sunday. You can find me at booth 55. Chan and I will be spending the whole weekend at a bed and breakfast. This will be my last show until ‪#HighlandFest‬ in mid-July.

Monday, June 15, 2015

I am my own worst critic

Excelsior Art on the Lake was an amazing show and experience. I got my initial look at some of the artists' works when I came to set up my tent on Friday. I felt my self-esteem slowly fall from the high of being accepted into this show. "How did I get into this show?" I questioned as I evaluated the work and the prices as I walked to my spot. "Oh, maybe I was a sympathy vote," I said to myself. I felt like this when I landed at the College of St. Benedict on PROBATION and my roommate had every scholastic award imaginable. I just told myself that I had a great opportunity and to make the most of the opportunity. The same with my art. I am so new at this, and I realize these shows - more than anything at this point - provide an opportunity for me to learn about marketing, display, pricing and yes, of course, my products. (Once again, my hat brims were a hit, but so were Molly's flowers- the new display helped.) So now it's time to prepare for this weekend's Laneboro Art in the Park. Yeah --- my bowl made it onto their promotional material!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Summer time and creativity flourishes

I was so worried that I wouldn't have enough inventory for the three shows that I scheduled for June, sooo I've been sewing soo much of the time. The Stillwater Rivertown Art Fair was the first, and it was amazing. It was fun to see some of the artists that I met last year..... Lauren and her Hopelark Jewelry was my neighbor at a show last year, and we were side-by-side at this show. For years, I have been an admirer of Cherie Meyers beadwork and I've now gotten to know her, and she is so willing to share her art-show-knowledge to those of us just starting out. It was great to visit her at this show. A new artist-colleague is Chris Swedzinski, whom I've known as "Representative." He displays as Swede Steelworks. Yes, politicians have lives away from the state capitol. I saw his work for the first time. Pressure of a deadline motivates some of my best work, and I am so pleased with this nautical-themed bowl, table topper and trivet that I have made for this weekend's Excelsior Art on the Lake Art Fair. These pieces are the result of a stop to the clearance room of ColorZ quilts in Brainerd..... it's amazing how somebody's scraps turn into somebody else's treasure. The bowl stands 8 inches tall and about 6 inches across the top. The table topper is 16 inches in diameter, and the trivet.... well it's about 7 inches in diameter. Sold as a set or separately. Molly will be with me at the Excelsior show displaying her fabric flowers. Please stop by. If you like art shows, this is one that you don't want to miss. (On June 20, I will be in Lanesboro at the Art in the Park show)